Anti-doping seminar was held with the cooperative organizational support of AZE WF and AMADA, in the conference hall of AAAF Park Residential Complex. The weightlifter students of “Zirve” lyceum and athlete and coaching staff of National team participated in the event.The training was led by AMADA Training and Education Manager Lala Hajiyeva and specialist-doctor Farid Aliyev.
Participants were provided with extensive information on the consequences of the use of prohibited substances, penalties for their acceptance, renewal list and criterias for its compilation, rules for testing in and out of competition, athletes whereabouts information, ADAMS system, Therapeutic use exception (TUE) and other important points . During the seminar participants’ questions were also answered. In the end, athletes took part in the anonymous doping surveys, educational booklets and brochures were distributed.
It should be noted that AZE WF has recently expanded the anti-doping measures. Federation attaches great importance to this aspect, especially enlightening of the younger generation.
AMADA successfully carries out its activities. The work done by this organization in the managing and promotion of anti-doping program , as well as the training of athletes, is encouraging.
AZE WF realizes the importance of holding such seminars, and will ensure regular organization.
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