Tofig Jabrayilov is 70 years old today.
Tofig Ali oghlu Jabrayilov was born in the family of a worker, on August 5, 1947 in Baku. The specialist who has pedagogical and sports education, has long been involved in coaching activities and his delivers won the awards in the Republican championships. He was awarded the title of “Honorary Worker of Physical Culture and Sport” of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
He has performed in many competitions like weightlifter and won the title of USSR Sports Master. Over 40 years he is a referee and also international referee. For a long time he was a member of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan Weightlifting Federation.
He is currently a labor and sports veteran.
We congratulate Tofig Jabrayilov on his 70th jubilee, as well as wish him a long life and well-being!