Kenan Aliguliyev exceeded all competitors

In September 13-14, the second competition day of Azerbaijan Weightlifting Juniors Championship started in the competition hall of Shuvelan Weightlifting Academy. More than 100 athletes representing sport clubs and communities from all regions of the country take part in the competition.

Initially, athletes in 77kg tested their powers. With a total of 286 kg (125+161), Kenan Aliguliyev earned gold medal. Ismayil Bakhishov finished second with 230 254 kg (112+142), while Rasul Nasrullayev came third with 243 kg (108+135).

The aim is the increasing and improving of athletes’ skill level, qualifying athletes who are technically trained and fulfilling their degree norms, determining the composition of National teams, preparing for the following international competitions.

77 kg

N     Name Year      City Club Weight Snatch Clean and Jerk Total
1. Aliguliyev Kenan 1998 Lankaran Zİrve 76.60 125 161 286
2. Bakhishov İsmayıl 2001 Gobustan Zİrve 76.20 112 142 254
3. Nesrullayev Rasul 1998 Sumgaıt Tahsil 72.90 108 135 243
4. Hasanli İsa 2002 Lankaran Zİrve 76.30 97 130 227
5. Gasımzadeh Umid 2001 Jalilabad Zİrve 71.80 92 102 194
6. Mustafayev Coshgun 2002 Gazakh Zİrve 77.00 90 102 192
7. Guliyev Senan 1995 Samukh Zİrve 77.00 0
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