Qualifying competitions will be held

From the 22nd to 30th June, the 3rd qualifying weightlifting competitions of Republic will be organized. The aim is to control the preparations of the athletes, to watch the substitutes, to select the strong athletes, to teach and develop the sport of weightlifting in different regions, to strengthen friendship relations between the athletes and coaches, to increase and improve the athletes’ skill level.

Competitions will be held in Khirdalan, Lankaran and Samukh. On June 22-23, athletes from Sumgait, Khirdalan, Gobustan, Shamaxi, Ismayilli and Baku ( all sports associations) will compete in Khirdalan. On June 26-26, athletes representing Jalilabad, Neftchala, Lankaran, Lerik and Astara will struggle for medals in Lankaran, while the athletes from Goranboy, Ganja, Samukh, Gazakh, Shaki and Gakh will board the platform in Samukh, on June 29-30.

The competition has personal character and the athletes who are at least 12 years old and technically prepared will be eligible to take part only. Men and women born in 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 and older in the zone tournament will compete in appropriate age groups and the triumphants will be determined according to the Sinclair schedule.

The qualifying competitions are held 4 times a year.

First approach requests of the athletes to participate in the selection competitions:

Weight categories/kg/ Age 16 /kg/ Age 15 /kg/ Age 14  /kg/ Age 13 /kg/ Age 12 /kg/
1 26 65 55 45 35 30
2 30 70 60 50 40 35
3 34 75 65 55 45 40
4 38 80 70 60 50 45
5 43 85 75 65 55 50
6 49 90 80 70 60 55
7 55 95 85 75 70 60
8 61 105 90 80 75 65
9 67 115 100 85 80 70
10 +67 130 110 90 85 75
  • The initial approach for the 17-year-old athletes – the III degree
  • The initial approach for the 18 years and over – the II degree

The weigh-in starts at 09:00 am of the competition day in Samukh and Lankaran.

The timetable of the competition in Absheron is as follows:

June 22-23, 2019

   N Age Group Weigh-in Competition
June 22 
1. Women 10:00
2. Boys-2009 09:30 11:30
3. 2008 10:30 12:30
4. 2007 12:00 14:00
5. 2006 14:00 16:00
6. 2005 16:00 18:00
June 23
7. 2004 09:00 11:00
8. 2003 11:00 13:00
9. 2002 12:30 14:30
10. 2001 and Up 13:30 15:30





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